A pension perk for veterans, rethinking renting in retirement, cutting costs on funerals and more retirement news





Happy Friday MarketWatchers,

The holiday-shortened week was certainly full of retirement news. Here are some of our highlights:

For military families thereโ€™s a short window in which veterans can change their spousal survivor benefits so their spouse or children can receive a pension after the retiree dies โ€” itโ€™s the first, and for now only, year such a change is possible,ย reports Alessandra Malitoโ€‹.

Qualifying service members are offered a chance to enroll in (or opt out of) the Survivor Benefit Plan, which offers a pension of up to 55% of the veteransโ€™ retirement pay. The inflation-adjusted payment is provided through the surviving spouseโ€™s lifetime, or until the child reaches a maximum age. This expires at the end of 2023, and will surely take time to sort out, so donโ€™t wait until the last minute.ย 

Brett Arendsย makes the case for renting in retirement instead of owning a home. It allows retirees to cash in on one of their biggest investments, offers flexibility and means a lot less upkeep and maintenance. And plenty of people are ready to downsize after decades in aย home thatย mayย not suit theirย needs or geographic desires any longer.

However, the stability of owning a home โ€” particularly outright โ€” is very appealing. Your costs are fixed and it makes budgeting much easier. Brett also recently wrote about whyย itโ€™s better to invest in REITsย than become a landlord yourself.ย 

Jessica Hall learned that itโ€™s notย just the prices of things like eggs, gasoline and rent that are climbing,ย the cost of funerals is on the rise as well. Itโ€™s becoming such an issue that itโ€™s making people rethink how they mark the end of their lives โ€” things like renting a coffin or having a do-it-yourself funeral. Indeed, survey respondents said they underestimated the cost of a funeral and the costs of a loved oneโ€™s funeral left them feeling burdened.ย ย 

Have a great weekend, check out more of our retirement content on MarketWatch and our Retirement Weekly newsletter:

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