National Theatre Wales has lost its way, says writer


ACW said the theatre’s application for continuining funding “did not convince”.

In its early years, productions such as The Passion starring Michael Sheen, Mametz by Owen Sheers and a vibrant celebration of the work of Roald Dahl in Cardiff announced the arrival of the National Theatre Wales with a loud fanfare.

But Mr Williams, a writer and producer from Neath, told the BBC’s Politics Wales the company had “lost a meaningful connection with the artistic community in Wales”.

He said: โ€œThe company hasnโ€™t been producing enough work, especially work which has been engaging with the general public.

“Unfortunately, once you start losing those relationships with your key sectors, you find yourself in trouble.

“And of course whatโ€™s happened now is theyโ€™ve lost that meaningful connections with their funders, which leads to, inevitably the closure of the operation.โ€


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