Oil heads higher, but looks to post a 5% weekly tumble on demand worries





Oil futures headed higher on Friday, but remain on track to post a weekly loss for the first in five weeks as worries about the economic outlook stoked demand worries.

Price action
  • West Texas Intermediate crude for June delivery



    climbed by 73 cents, or 0.9%, to $78.10 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, leaving the front-month contract for U.S. benchmark on track for a 5.3% weekly fall.

  • June Brent crude

    the global benchmark, was up 69 cents, or 0.9%, at $81.79 a barrel on ICE Futures Europe, leaving it down 5.2% for the week.

  • Back on Nymex, May gasoline

    rose 1.7% to $2.631 a gallon, while May heating oil

    edged up 0.6% to $2.5096 a gallon.

  • May natural gas

    fell 0.5% to $2.241 per million British thermal units, with prices looking at a weekly rise of around 6%.

Market drivers

Both WTI and Brent posted their lowest closes of the month on Thursday, giving back a chunk of the gains scored in early April after Saudi Arabia and its OPEC+ allies announced cuts of around 1.15 million barrels a day beginning in May and running through the end of the year, while Russia said it would extend cuts of 500,000 barrels a day through year-end.

On Thursday, worries about consumer demand linked to a โ€œdeteriorating economic backdrop and still-hawkishโ€ Federal Reserve, were on the rise, analysts at Sevens Report Research wrote in Fridayโ€™s newsletter.

โ€œBetween the sour earnings and guidance released by several major U.S. corporations this week and the downbeat economic dataโ€ in the U.S. Thursday, there was โ€œno real positive reason to step in and defend the key April technical support level of $79a barrel for WTI, they said.

Overall, analysts said worries about ongoing monetary policy tightening by the Fed and other major central banks sparking a sharp global economic slowdown were partly to blame for oilโ€™s losses this week. Those factors offset previous optimism over Chinaโ€™s economic recovery following the lifting of strict COVID-19 curbs in late 2022.

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In addition to skepticism over Chinese demand, reports that Russian crude shipments continue despite sanctions and embargoes have also weighed on oil prices, said Carsten Fritsch, commodity analyst at Commerzbank, in a Friday note.

Also read: Oil prices crashed below zero 3 years ago, with the spotlight back on demand and volatility

Reuters on Thursday reported that oil loadings from Russiaโ€™s western ports in April were on track to be the highest since 2019, at more than 2.4 million barrels a day.

Russia also said that its President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with the Crown Prince and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, focused expanding โ€œmutually beneficial ties in the trade, economic, investment and energy fields,โ€ according to a Google translation of the news.

โ€œIn the short term, the orientation phase against the backdrop of mixed economic prospects in the Western industrialized countries could persist: after all, the market is (still) amply supplied,โ€ Fritsch wrote.

โ€œIn our opinion, however, the market is too complacent in the medium term: when production in Saudi Arabia and a number of other OPEC countries is scaled back from May, the market will be noticeably undersupplied again,โ€ he said.

Daily oil supply in the second half of 2023 is likely to be around 2 million barrels shy of demand, he said, which means commercial stocks in developed countries, which have only just returned to โ€œnormalโ€ levels will likely see a renewed decline.


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